

Fluoride is a natural mineral that helps prevent cavities and tooth decay by coating your teeth and preventing plaque from building up and hardening on the tooth's surface. Over time bacteria produces acids that cause damage and make teeth more vulnerable to decay and various other issues.  By applying this naturally occurring mineral to the surface of your teeth we are able to disrupt acid production helping to prevent tooth decay.



Over time bacteria produces acids that cause damage and make teeth more vulnerable to decay and various other issues.  By applying this naturally occurring mineral to the surface of your teeth we are able to disrupt acid production helping to prevent tooth decay.



Our doctors recommend fluoride for all of our patients to help prevent caries (cavities) on teeth present in the mouth. Everyone can benefit from regular fluoride application.  You brush your teeth twice a day, floss regularly and visit the dentist every six months.  Fluoride is a vitally important step in ensuring a healthy and long-lasting smile. 



A fluoride treatment in your dentist's office takes just a few minutes. After the treatment, patients may be asked not to rinse, eat, or drink for at least 30 minutes in order to allow the teeth to absorb the fluoride. Depending on your oral health or your doctor's recommendation, you may be required to have a fluoride treatment every three, six, or 12 months. Your doctor may also prescribe an at-home fluoride product such as a mouthwash, gel, or antibacterial rinse.